Monday 15 June 2009

Vaseline is an amazing thing.

I managed to run 18 miles on Sunday even though I had to stop 3 times in order that the sea boats could be launched/recovered/re-launched. The weather was a lot hotter and because I run much earlier than on previous runs, it was a humid for longer. But all that considered, I didn't feel too bad after and even this morning I felt good enough to sneak 2 miles in!

I have no new injuries to report apart from a small amount of chafing; my blisters are still there but are currently well strapped up. I used loads of vaseline in the latter stages of my 18 miler as my shorts were rubbing a lot and it's because of vaseline that my chafing was limited to a small area. Hopefully, I won't be walking like I've just got off a horse for long!

I'm now 14 miles ahead of schedule and have completed 434 miles (3038 laps) and have 27% left to run. My combined running time is over 64 hours and my average time for a mile is around 9 minutes.

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