Friday, 17 July 2009

A stitch in time......................

Happens with 9 miles left to run! I was cruising along until the 17th mile, when I got a stitch just behind my ribs on the left hand side of my back. It's still there now, so it could be a pulled muscle. But anyway, I completed the marathon in a reasonable 4 hours 54 minutes!

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of HMS Richmond's Ship's Company who ran with me today and to the others that came up and cheered me on. It was a massive help to me, particularly when I was in the pain locker. I know a few of you ran further than you expected to and some have never covered the distances before, that you acheived. It was a fantastic effort by all of you and my heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you. To show my gratitude (even though it is a bit twisted!), I've recently posted my application for the Richmond Castle 10k. You may be thinking that 10k is now nothing to a marathon runner, but I'll be doing it in my Square rig, ice cream suit (Junior rates tropical suit, for my civvy readers!).

Well, I'm still 8 miles ahead and I have 22 miles left to run which is just over 3.5 percent. I'm praying for good weather in the Bay of Biscay though!

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